
A Secret Rendezvous (2018) | vocalizing string quartet | written for Del Sol Quartet | developed during Anjna’s 2018 GLFCAM Fellowship | 10 mins


Duplicity (2019) | string quartet | written for Orchestra of St. Luke’s and co-commissioned by GLFCAM and OSL | 5 mins

Anandham: A Homecoming (2020) | vocalizing violin | written for Hyeyung Sol Yoon | commissioned by GLFCAM and developed during Anjna’s Roulette 2020 Van Lier Fellowship | 30 mins


a beloved within (2020) | violin with prerecorded voice | written for Jennifer Koh and commissioned by ARCO Collaborative | composed as part of Koh’s “Alone Together” series | 3 mins

Surrender to the Adventure (2021) | violin with prerecorded tape | written for Johnny Gandelsman and commissioned by Washington Performing Arts | 20 mins

A Beloved Flame (2020) | vocalizing instrumentalists | written for and commissioned by String Orchestra of Brooklyn | 20 mins/open timing


The Only Way is Forward (2020) | vocalizing instrumentalists | written for Melvis Santa as part of Gabriela Lena Frank Creative Academy of Music’s #GLFCAMGigThruCOVID series | 8 mins

Self Regulation (2023) | open instrumentation | written for and commissioned by Jake Charkey | open timing

If you are interested in purchasing scores or performing any of these pieces, or in commissioning a new work by Anjna, please reach out via the Contact Form.